Thursday 9 August 2012

What the hell?

I've not binged these past few days and I've not lost any weight :( well, I weighed yesterday (I think? I'm losing track of time now) and I'm still at 114 and it sucks! I'm living off of crackers, coffee and soup, also anyone looking to stop bingeing, go out and buy a copy of The Sims 3. It's so addictive I forget to eat. I've been a simmer since I was small and now my laptop is fixed I'm doing little else. Yeah it's not healthy but neither is restricting, so....
Anyway I went to the dentist yesterday and he numbed my mouth with like fortytwo fucking needles and now my lip is swollen where I chewed it in my sleep. I can't abide going to the dentist. It's just wrong, sitting there with your head practically in some strangers lap while they put their hands in your mouth?! Maybe I'm just being neurotic. Idk. Still, as dentists go mines pretty good; he sings and tells me about the stupid things he's done like giving himself a black eye at the gym.
Here's some thinspo that was already on this blog. Stupid iPad compatibility issues. Haha, I'm working on it honestly :)
So yeah, fun times. I've now got a very attractive swollen lip :/ wooh.


  1. Sometimes when we get to a certain weight it becomes difficult to loose more quite easily, just stick with it, everything will be working again soon :)
    ew, dentists. Having all of those tools by my head freaks me out, I've watched Way to many horrors to be comfortable with things that can pull my teeth out next to me :L

  2. I'm terrified of dentists.
    I've had the mother of all toothaches for the last 5 days and I refuse to call the dentist.
    Years of drug abuse and bulimia/anorexia have taken their toll on my teeth, they are literally crumbling in my head.

    Feel better x

  3. I love the sims, but I'm still on Sims 2, as I couldn't really got used to play SIms 3 and all the changes which were at least in my opinion just negative.
