Sunday 15 April 2012

fifteenth of april

Down 0.2 lbs! exactly 106 lbs now. 2 more pounds until my goal weight; after that, will be going for 100 lbs. I probably won't be able to blog as much during term-time, so this might be goodbye for a few days anyway. I'll try to update as much as I can.
I explained my situation in an earlier post, but I really need an answer from anyone at all to this:
Basically, how can I hide my 'eating habits' from my anorexic friend? We spend lunch break together and I can only avoid eating together maybe one or two days a week. Any feedback would be muchly appreciated! Thanks.
ps. This picture is absolutely gorgeous- I'd love to have legs like that one day.


1 cracker- 33 cals
1 mug of Twinings fruit tea- 2 cals

2 crackers- 66 cals

Salad- about 70 cals
1 slice of Jamaican ginger cake- 80 cals

251 cals
Not bad. Tomorrow, if I can eat as little as possible, walking around all day carrying my heavy schoolbag should provide more exercise than I've been getting this week. Still wishing I could fake being ill and stay home. My attendance is so bad, the best I can get is a nap in the sick room.


  1. Hey whats up! Just saw your blog. Think you're on the right track. :) I'm amazed with your self control. Gawd, I'd love to be as thin as you. Anyway. :) Muchos love. X

    1. Haha thanks :) wish I was thin. Thanks for reading
