Monday 16 April 2012

first day back

Hey :) Had my first day back at school today. It was ok, I guess- nothing happened anyway. Apart from PSHE, finishing up our topic of Obesity And Eating Disorders or whatever it was meant to be. They had some long speech about how if we suspect anyone isn't constantly stuffing their faces, we ought to tell an adult. Because if you have an eating disorder, a load of teachers breathing down your neck is so very comforting. Grr. Anyway, it got me thinking, I really can't tell anyone at all. Not only because it might get spread around or get back to teachers, but because it just isn't fair to burden anyone with the knowledge. If someone told me they had a problem and it was serious (or even looked like it might become serious) I would feel guilty because if I were to tell an adult, it would be betraying their trust and if I didn't then they might get worse and be in danger. And besides, adults don't always have the answer. So- what if you do the wrong thing? Is it your fault?

This is so pretty, it's like she's so light she's floating.


Half bowl of special K- 50 cals

cereal bar- 145 cals (yikes!)
Raisins- about 75 cals

Half plate of noodles and rice- about 200 cals

4 Hovis biscuits- 132 cals
Hot chocolate- 80 cals

682 cals
Oh my God! So many calories! Just glad I went on an hour long walk this afternoon.

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